Tēnā koutou katoa
Welcome to the Secondary Education portal
Information, resources and guidance, to support secondary teaching and learning.
Secondary essentials
A series of Curriculum Guides to help design quality teaching and learning programmes.
New and updated NCEA support material and internal assessment resources.
Broad information covering NCEA standards and resources.
A portal to stories, reports, statistics, and reviews that support Māori learners achieve education success as Māori.
Four projects that support Maori students' success in English-medium schools.
Key resources
- NZ Curriculum Online
- Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
- Ka Hikitia – Ka Hāpaitia
- TKI Communities
- Educational Leaders
- Tū Rangatira
- Pasifika Education Community
- Education Gazette
- Ministry of Education resource catalogue – Down the back of the chair
To order Ministry of Education publications, please phone 0800 660 662
Transitions and pathways
Vocational pathways provide a clear framework for vocational options, and assistance in programme planning.
Advice and support on providing effective career education and guidance in years 7 to 13.
School leavers toolkit for teachers
Secondary students and school leavers – Education and training
Career information to help students at school, or for those making decisions about leaving.
Careers NZ – Career education in practice
A practical handbook to help schools manage and develop their career education programmes.
A study of students' transition from primary to secondary schooling
A summary of some key findings and implications, and a brief description of the reports on the study; and the three full reports carried out by the New Zealand Ministry of Education.
Learning workers: Young New Zealanders and early career development
This NZCER (2010) paper informs providing a range of learning settings and promoting lifelong learning.
Featured video
Passion projects
At St Hilda's Collegiate, every Year 9 student is mentored with someone from the local community and they work throughout the year on their Passion project.
NZC Online spotlights
NZC spotlights are mini professional learning sessions that focus on a specific aspect of The New Zealand Curriculum. Presented on Google Slides, NZC spotlights include short readings, videos, and follow up activities. Further resources are suggested at the end of each session for those who want to access more information.
NZC spotlights are designed for teachers and leaders in both primary and secondary schools. They can be used during staff meetings, department or syndicate meetings, Kāhui Ako / Communities of Learning workshops, and teacher only days. Individual teachers can use NZC spotlights to reflect on their own learning journey and to support teacher inquiries.